TTAP: Eliminating Harmful Refrigerants from Day 1

TTAP: Eliminating Harmful Refrigerants from Day 1

Innovative, Sustainable HVAC That Is As Good Economically as it is for the Environment​

In this phase of growing regulation and sustainability minded initiatives, many building owners and tenants are searching for HVAC solutions that not only meet new sustainability standards, but do so without sacrificing on performance or business economics. Learn from the Pierre Charron building owners and tenant, and the benefits they are realizing first-hand with the TTAP HVAC installed in Pierre Charron in Paris.​

What were decision-makers seeking from a new HVAC solution for Pierre Charron? In their own words, ‘ Innovative HVAC solution to stand in contrast to the sea of sameness of traditional HVAC. A solution that made good economic sense, but was good for the environment as well.’ And has TTAP delivered? An enthusiastic YES, with some unanticipated – but welcome – realized benefits. ​

Specifically, while leadership was well versed in the market competitive total cost of ownership of TTAP, the tenants and owners at PC have benefited from what they have termed as ‘lower system maintenance’ as compared to traditional HVAC units, as well as elimination of concern for leakage given the elimination of water pipes and refrigerants from the system. In addition, during a time of heightened concern for air quality and ventilation, the room by room TTAP has eliminated cross-contamination between rooms and improved the air quality, as well as occupant health and comfort. ​

The TTAP units have performed – efficiently and effectively heating and cooling Pierre Charron across hot and cold seasons, and everything in between. It’s a solution that meets the world’s sustainable HVAC challenges head-on, without sacrificing on cost, comfort, performance or ease of installation. ​

As the world – globally, nationally and locally – continues to demand our commercial HVAC units deliver on an increasingly high bar, the TTAP solution stands as a unique innovative solution to meet the need. ​

How TTAP works

Learn more
about how the TTAP
unit operates

TTAP Benefits

Learn more about Industry-Leading Sustainability Benefits the TTAP can deliver

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